Timeline for Responding to Section 42 Notice for Lease Extensions

How Long to Respond to a Section 42 Notice?

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    In the world of leasehold properties, receiving a Section 42 Notice is a crucial step in the process of extending your lease. As a leaseholder, understanding the timelines and your obligations upon receiving this notice is essential. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of how long you have to respond to a Section 42 Notice and what actions you should take to ensure a smooth lease extension process.

    What is a Section 42 Notice?

    A Section 42 Notice is a formal request from a leaseholder to their freeholder, asking to extend the lease on their property. This notice is part of the statutory lease extension process under the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993. It outlines the leaseholder’s proposed terms for the extension, including the premium they are willing to pay.

    For more detailed information on what a Section 42 Notice is, please visit our comprehensive guide.

    Timeline for Responding to a Section 42 Notice

    Upon receiving a Section 42 Notice, the freeholder has a legal obligation to respond within a specific timeframe. Understanding this timeline is crucial for both parties to ensure compliance with the law and avoid potential disputes.

    1. Response Timeframe:

    • The freeholder must respond to the Section 42 Notice within two months of receipt. This response is given through a formal document known as the Counter-Notice.

    2. Counter-Notice Requirements

    • The Counter-Notice must specify whether the freeholder accepts the leaseholder’s terms or proposes different terms for the lease extension.
    • If the freeholder disputes the premium or other terms proposed by the leaseholder, the Counter-Notice should include their counter-proposal.

    3. Failure to Respond

    • If the freeholder fails to respond within the two-month period, the leaseholder has the right to apply to the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) for a lease extension on the terms set out in the original Section 42 Notice.

    To learn more about the lease extension process, check out our article on how to extend your lease.

    Steps to Take After Receiving a Section 42 Notice

    1. Acknowledge Receipt

    • Upon receiving the Section 42 Notice, promptly acknowledge its receipt in writing. This ensures clear communication and records the start of the response period.

    2. Seek Professional Advice

    • Consult with a solicitor or a chartered surveyor experienced in lease extensions. Professional advice is crucial to understand the implications of the notice and to prepare an appropriate response.

    3. Evaluate the Proposed Terms

    • Review the terms proposed by the leaseholder, including the premium and any other conditions. Consider obtaining a professional valuation to assess the fairness of the proposed premium.

    4. Prepare the Counter-Notice

    • Work with your solicitor to draft the Counter-Notice. Ensure it includes your response to the proposed terms and, if necessary, your counter-proposals.

    5. Serve the Counter-Notice

    • Serve the Counter-Notice to the leaseholder within the two-month timeframe. Ensure it is delivered through a method that provides proof of receipt, such as recorded delivery or a process server.

    For additional tips on managing your lease extension, visit our guide on preparing for a lease extension.

    Possible Outcomes and Next Steps

    1. Agreement

    • If the leaseholder and freeholder agree on the terms, the lease extension process can proceed smoothly. Both parties will then formalise the agreement through a Deed of Variation.

    2. Negotiation

    • If the terms are not agreed upon immediately, further negotiations may be necessary. Both parties should aim to reach a mutually acceptable agreement to avoid tribunal involvement.

    3. Tribunal Involvement

    • If an agreement cannot be reached, either party can apply to the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) for a determination. The tribunal will then decide on the terms of the lease extension.

    Read our detailed article on what happens if a lease extension goes to tribunal for more insights.


    Responding to a Section 42 Notice promptly and professionally is crucial in the lease extension process. By understanding the timeline and taking the appropriate steps, you can ensure compliance with the law and work towards a favourable outcome.

    At Leasehold Valuations, we specialise in guiding both leaseholders and freeholders through the complexities of lease extensions. If you need assistance with responding to a Section 42 Notice or any other aspect of the lease extension process, contact us today for expert advice and support.

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