
Essential Considerations When Buying a Flat with a Section 20 Notice

Due to the terms of the lease, purchasing and selling a leasehold apartment can be a time-consuming process. When trying to buy one, ground rent exceeding £250, short leases, and flats with a section 20 notice can be quite stressful and slow down the process.

In this post, we’ll examine what a section 20 notice is, what it means for leasehold apartments, how to object to one, and whether you should still acquire an apartment if one has been served on the building.

Our lease extension experts can guide you through with efficiency.

What Are Section 20 Works?

When there are significant repairs or maintenance needs for the leasehold property, the landlord is required to serve a section 20 notice under the landlord and tenant act. Alternatively, it can be served if the landlord wishes to sign a long-term contract to maintain system doors, fire alarms, etc.

These are works that haven’t been budgeted and can’t be financed by the sinking fund that the landlord should hold from all leaseholders, and a section 20 notice is typically given in addition to your yearly service charge.

Objecting To A Section 20 Notice

When the landlord serves a section 20 notice, they are expected to give you a complete spec of the indicated works and quotations from the contractors they are considering.

Then, each leaseholder typically has one month to react to this notification, choose an alternative contractor, and request documentation of the necessity of the repair.

It is beneficial to invite a few contractors over to offer advice, assess the work, and provide bids. Additionally, you ought to perform due research on the freeholder, the management firm, and other entities operating under different names.

Request to see all invoices, receipts, and copies of accounts if the landlord refuses to disclose this information.

This request must be made in writing to them so that there is a paper trail with dates. You can take them to a first-tier tribunal if they refuse to give you all of this information and you have sufficient proof that the agents are not doing their duties properly, overcharging, charging for arbitrary expenses, etc.

However, you must ensure that everything is documented and that your argument is supported by solid proof. Before taking any action, you should speak with a leasehold solicitor and join forces with other leaseholders to establish a stronger case.

Should I Buy A Flat With A Section 20 Notice

You shouldn’t blatantly invest in a section 20 notification without first understanding the circumstances.

A section 20 notice need not always be detrimental if it is part of a long-term contract; however, there have been instances in which lawyers have suggested that because the notice is part of a long-term contract with contractors for the upkeep and repair of the building and grounds, major work and high costs aren’t involved. Once these people acquired ownership of the houses, they discovered that they had been given a work estimate in the tens of thousands of pounds. None of this came up during the court case.

If you’re in the process of purchasing a flat that has a section 20 notice, you must be aware of all of its implications. If the present leaseholder wants the sale to go through, it would be preferable if they paid it in full upfront. Alternatively, request a price reduction based on the section 20 notice’s costs.

Additionally, if there is an unpaid section 20 notice, your mortgage lender may have problems with you because it may hinder your capacity to repay the loan.

If you decide to accept the section 20 notice because you genuinely love the apartment, you won’t likely see an improvement in the value of your home when the renovations are finished, thus spending the full amount on both the renovations and the repairs would merely deplete your investment.

Since the sellers won’t find a better offer elsewhere and all other prospective purchasers will be dealing with the same problems, asking for a price reduction may be successful.

In conclusion, based on my personal experience owning a leasehold apartment, I would steer clear of anything that screams “Section 20” because it will only lead to difficulties and cost extra money right away.

As your solicitors won’t do this, you should also conduct your research on the landlord and managing agent beforehand. Given that there are so many parties involved when purchasing a leasehold property, this is a crucial step.

For further questions related to lease extensions and property, contact one of our experienced chartered surveyors at Leasehold Valuations.

      1. 1.What is a Section 20 on a flat?

        – A Section 20 notice on a flat is a legal requirement in the UK that landlords must follow when planning significant building works or long-term service agreements. It ensures that flat owners are informed about and have the chance to give their input on these changes, promoting transparency and fairness. There are two types: a “Notice of Intention” before the works begin and a “Notice of Estimates” with cost details after considering owners’ feedback. This process helps prevent unexpected costs and ensures collaboration between landlords and flat owners.

        2.How long is a Section 20 notice valid for?

        – A Section 20 notice is generally valid for 12 months from the date it is served to leaseholders.

        3.How do I serve a section 20 notice?

        Serving a Section 20 notice involves a specific process to ensure compliance with UK leasehold regulations. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to serve a Section 20 notice:

          1. Preparation and Planning:
            Identify the proposed major works or long-term service agreements that you intend to carry out within your leasehold property. This could include renovations, repairs, or any services that will last over 12 months.
          2. Form of Notice:
            Draft the Section 20 Notice, clearly outlining the nature and scope of the proposed works or services. Include details about why the changes are necessary and the expected timeframe for the project. This notice can be provided in writing or electronically, depending on your lease agreement and communication preferences.
          3. Consultation Requirements:
            Determine whether you need to consult with a recognized tenants’ association (if one exists) or follow the non-recognition procedure if there isn’t one. The consultation process is a crucial aspect of serving a Section 20 notice, ensuring that leaseholders have an opportunity to provide their input.
          4. Notice of Intention:
            Serve the Notice of Intention to all affected leaseholders. This notice should be sent individually to each leaseholder’s correspondence address, as specified in the lease or as updated by the leaseholder. Ensure that the notice contains accurate and detailed information about the proposed works or agreements.
          5. Observation Period:
            Allow a reasonable period (usually around 30 days) for leaseholders to review the Notice of Intention and provide their observations, suggestions, or objections. Leaseholders have the right to express their concerns or nominate contractors during this period.
          6. Consider Leaseholder Feedback:
            Carefully review the observations and feedback submitted by leaseholders. Take their input into account when making decisions about the project, such as selecting contractors or adjusting the scope of work based on valid concerns.
          7. Estimates and Section 20 Notice of Estimates:Obtain detailed estimates for the proposed works or services. Prepare a Section 20 Notice of Estimates that includes the estimates’ breakdown, costs, and any other relevant financial information. Ensure that this notice is comprehensive and transparent.
          8. Serve the Section 20 Notice of Estimates:Send the Section 20 Notice of Estimates to all affected leaseholders. Similar to the Notice of Intention, this notice should be served individually and include accurate details about the financial aspects of the project.
          9. Leaseholder Review and Further Observations:
            Allow leaseholders a period to review the Section 20 Notice of Estimates and provide any additional observations or feedback they may have. This step ensures that leaseholders are fully informed about the financial implications of the proposed changes.
          10. Decision and Consent (if applicable):
            Based on the feedback received and the estimates obtained, make a decision about proceeding with the proposed works or services. If the projected costs exceed a specific threshold, consult with legal advisors and consider whether formal consent from the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal (First-tier Tribunal, Property Chamber) is required.
          11. Document and Record Keeping:
            Maintain comprehensive records of all communications, notices served, leaseholder feedback, estimates, decisions, and any relevant correspondence. These records will be essential for demonstrating compliance with the Section 20 process if needed in the future.
          12. Completion of Works or Agreements:
            If you receive the necessary approvals and consents, proceed with the major works or long-term service agreements according to the agreed-upon plans and schedule.
        1. It’s important to note that the process and specific requirements for serving a Section 20 notice may vary based on individual circumstances, lease agreements, and any updates to leasehold legislation. To ensure full compliance and legal adherence, it is advisable to seek legal advice or consult with property management professionals who are well-versed in leasehold regulations and procedure.

          4.What are the stages of Section 20 consultation?

          The Section 20 consultation process involves three main stages:

          1. Notice of Intention: 
            The landlord notifies leaseholders about planned works or services and invites their input.
          2. Notice of Estimates: 
            The landlord provides cost estimates based on input and allows leaseholders to review and comment.
          3. Decision and Consent: 
            Landlord decides whether to proceed, considering feedback. If costs exceed a threshold, formal consent might be needed from a tribunal.

        These stages ensure transparency and tenant involvement in significant property changes.

A landlord’s advice to dealing with rent arrears

What does rent in arrears mean?

This phrase denotes an overdue rent payment. This may be for a missed payment for the entire month. Rent payment frequency and amount are determined by the tenancy agreement outlined at the start of the tenancy, and being in arrears indicates a breach of that agreement.

One of the most frequent worries that any landlord has is making sure that the tenants pay their rent.

We have put together this fast guide to dealing with arrears to assist you in staying on top of rent payments and ensuring you do not end up with any rent missing.

Our lease extension experts can guide you through with efficiency.

Record payments

Tenants must keep a record of when rent payments are due and when they have been paid.

According to the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1985, the landlord must supply a rent book or other comparable document for use to the premises “when a tenant has the right to occupy premises as a residence in consideration of a rent due weekly.” But for tenants who make monthly rent payments, we advise you to follow a similar procedure.

If it becomes necessary to initiate possession procedures, you must give your landlord and the court an account of rent.

Contact your tenant

If your tenant doesn’t pay the rent when it’s due, we suggest getting in touch with them the day after it’s due to remind them of the payment’s deadline and request that it be made right away
If tenants don’t return your calls, texts, or emails and/or the rent is still owed, get in touch with them once again
Your letter should

  • Verify the amount owing and request that they pay it right away, or get in touch with you if they are unable to do so and need more time or want to work out a repayment schedule
  • Make sure that all upcoming payments are made on schedule and in full.
  • Describe the possible consequences of unpaid debts continuing to accumulate and/or not being paid.

Contact the guarantor

If your tenant has a guarantor, you should get in touch with them to let them know that a rent payment has been missed and ask them to make a payment. This depends on what is specified in the leasing agreement.
Once more, explain to them what will probably occur if arrears are not paid and/or are allowed to accumulate.
In many circumstances, the guarantor will answer if the tenant doesn’t.
We advise getting legal counsel about your rights and what steps you can take to regain control of your property if rent isn’t paid for more than two months.
Notwithstanding the complexity of the regulations governing landlord-tenant relationships, you must be informed of your rights and uphold your obligations.

Landlord insurance for rent arrears

To protect themselves from tenant debt, many landlords decide to purchase a specific coverage designed for landlords. In addition to paying the legal costs incurred in recouping delinquent rent.
Although landlord insurance cannot make your tenants pay their rent on time, it can provide you some comfort in knowing that the costs of going to court to recover unpaid rent are covered.
For further questions related to lease extensions and property, contact one of our experienced chartered surveyors at Leasehold Valuations.

Section 13 Notice – Buying Your Freehold

The leaseholders serve the freeholder with the Section 13 Notice under the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993, also known as an Initial Notice, to exercise their collective enfranchisement rights (buying your freehold). This is distinct from the Section 13 notice that a landlord serves on a tenant to raise the rent.

For further questions related to Lease extensions and property, contact one of our experienced chartered surveyors at Leasehold Valuations.

A Section 21 Counter-Notice must be served on the freeholder in response to the Section 13 notice.

What steps should you take before serving the Section 13 Notice?

  • Check your eligibility
  • RICS Freehold valuation – you need to value the freehold to:
    • Know whether the participating leaseholders can afford to buy the freehold as a group;
    • ○ limit the risk of serving an inaccurate premium in the initial notice, which, if disputed by the landlord, can cause a delay in the process and additional negotiation costs with the freeholder.
  • Select your nominee purchaser(s).
  • Inform your freeholder or (if applicable) the intermediary landlord of your plans and confirm that they are not absent. NB This also ensures that you serve notice on the correct person/entity. If you don’t, your notification may be rendered null and void.

Choosing the Nominee Purchaser

If the process is completed, the Nominee Purchaser, as indicated in the Initial Notice, receives the freehold and becomes the new landlord.
You should decide who this is early on because they will become the building’s manager. If you opt to form a corporation, it must be formed and incorporated before serving your section 13 notice.
You and the other participating tenants can choose who the Nominee Purchaser is. They can, for example, be:

  • a person;
  • one of the tenants;
  • a corporate person/external corporation;
  • a trust; or
  • a company formed for the tenants. – This is the most frequent option since it allows a group of leaseholders to run the company and share the duty of preserving the freehold and adhering to the requirements of the freeholder.

What’s in Section 13 Initial Notice?

  1. Full names and addresses of:
    • the eligible tenants who are serving the Section 13 Initial Notice;
    • ALL qualifying tenants;
    • the landlord/freeholder and any intermediary landlords;
    • and the Nominee Purchaser/s
  2. Details of the property for which you intend to purchase the freehold, including a plan and any relevant descriptions;
  3. Details of any further freehold interests you desire to purchase;
  4. Rights to be required – this includes things like vehicular access, rights of way, and access to drainage; all of these things should be fully specified and marked using plan diagrams.
  5. The basis for your claim. This is where you must state the facts that make your case eligible, such as the fact that 2/3 of the apartments are rented by qualifying tenants, and so on.
  6. Details of all leaseholds to be purchased ;
  7. Specifics on any mandatory leasebacks. This refers to any leaseholders who have the right to continue their leases, such as those with secure tenancies, and whose leases must be honoured by the Nominee Purchaser once the procedure is completed – the current freeholder may have an obligatory leaseback.
  8. The suggested price for the freehold and any other interest/s that the qualifying purchasers seek to purchase;
  9. The date by which a counter-notice must be served (at least two months after the Section 13 Initial Notice but no more than six months after); and
  10. At the end of the notification, the Nominee Purchaser/s and ALL of the qualified tenants must sign.

First, ensure that you and your fellow leaseholders are entitled to purchase your freehold.

The collective enfranchisement procedure is extensive, and there are various conditions to meet before serving a Section 13 Initial Notice under the Leasehold Reform, Housing, and Urban Development Act of 1993.
You should also keep in mind that you must select a Nominee Purchaser to represent the interests of all participating eligible freeholders, which is essential for the Section 13 Notice to be served.

Serving a Section 13 Notice correctly is critical!

A conveyancing solicitor who has worked with leaseholders who want to buy their freeholds understands that a Section 13 Notice issued on a landlord/freeholder must be complete and error-free.
If your landlord/freeholder identifies flaws in the notice, they can seek to have it dismissed, which means that not only will your application be halted, but you will also be barred from making another application for 12 months.

What happens next?

Assuming they do serve this notice, you may reasonably expect that if you’ve engaged the proper professionals, the counter-notice will usually agree to your claim, and you can then focus on agreeing the premium, compensation, and final conveyancing required for the process to be complete.

  • After your solicitor has issued the notice, you must pay your landlord’s reasonable fees, which typically include the cost of their freehold appraisal and legal representation
  • If your landlord does not agree with your claim, they must explain why in their counter-notice, and you or they have the right to take the matter to the First-tier Tribunal within at least 2 months but no more than 6 months (Property Chamber). You must pay a small fee to use this court, but after that, your landlord must pay all of their own fees, which frequently convinces the freeholder to become a bit more realistic with the premium they are seeking.

LeaseholdValuation specializes in leasehold valuations, lease extensions, and enfranchisement. Have a quick 10-minute free consultation with one of our RICS experts.

Section 42 Notice Explained: A Complete Guide for Property Owners

Leaseholders have the right to have their lease extended if they meet certain eligibility criteria. This right is outlined in the Leasehold Reform, Housing, and Urban Development Act of 1993, which allows leaseholders to extend their lease for an additional 90 years. A notice must be served on the freeholder or landlord to begin the statutory leasehold extension process. This Notice is also referred to as the Section 42 Notice or the Tenant’s Notice. This guide summarizes everything you need to know about Section 42 Notice.

Our experienced chartered surveyor gives his advice on the six top leasehold issues.

Definition: Section 42 Notice

A Section 42 Notice is a formal request from a leaseholder to a freeholder. The ground rent is reduced to a peppercorn in addition to the right to a 90-year lease extension. A leaseholder pays a small amount of peppercorn rent (£1 per annum) to satisfy a legal agreement between them and the freeholder. The Notice also includes a proposed premium for the lease extension allowance. The freeholder or landlord must respond with a Counter-Notice within two months of receiving a Section 42 Notice. A Counter-Notice indicates whether the freeholder accepts or rejects the lease extension.

Eligibility: Serve Section 42 Notice

If the leaseholder is eligible for the formal lease extension, there are very few reasons that a freeholder can reject a served Section 42 Notice. However, they may reject the Notice based on the premium offered or if the leasehold is ineligible for the lease extension. You are qualified to serve a Section 42 Notice on a freeholder if and only if you meet the following criteria:

  • You’ve owned the property for at least two years.
  • The initial lease was granted for more than 21 years
  • The property for which you want to extend your lease is not commercial or business property.

Contents: Section 42 Notice

The Leasehold Reform, Housing, and Urban Development Act of 1993 specifies the contents of the Tenant’s Notice. Section 42 Notice must include the following elements, according to the Act

  • The tenant’s full name and the address of the property for which they want to extend their lease.
  • The terms of the tenant’s first lease. These include the lease’s date, the lease’s terms, the lease term, and the date the lease term began.
  • The proposed premium is payable to the freeholder in exchange for granting a lease extension for the subject property.
  • The tenant’s proposed terms for the proposed lease extension.
  • Details of the tenant’s appointed solicitor, including the name and address in England and Wales where future notices may be served.
  • The date on which the tenant wishes the landlord or freeholder to serve a Section 45 Counter Notice in response to the Section 42 Notice. This date, however, must be more than two months after the Counter Notice was served.

Concerning the Section 45 Counter Notice

While the Section 42 Tenant’s Notice initiates the lease extension process, it is the Freeholder’s Counter-Notice that determines the extension’s progress. When served with a Section 42 Notice, the freeholder may respond in one of a number of ways via the Counter-Notice:

  • Accepting the request for a lease extension and agreeing to your terms.
  • Accepting your lease extension request, but only if you agree to different terms.
  • Refuse your request due to the landlord’s claim to redevelop the flat.
  • Reject your request due to ineligibility for statutory lease extension requirements or flaws in your Section 42 Notice.

It is unusual for a freeholder to reject the Tenant’s Notice. This is because rejecting a Section 42 Notice may result in severe legal consequences for the landlord. These may include a court order to agree to the leaseholder’s terms or even losing control over the lease extension premium. When a freeholder accepts your request on the condition that you agree to new terms, it is often a ploy to open the door to further negotiations.

When it comes to lease extensions, the Section 42 Notice is an important document. Any flaw discovered on it can thus be used to dismiss it in a court of law. When your Section 42 Notice is dismissed in court, it means that your lease extension request has been halted. The worst consequence of a rejected Section 42 Notice is that you will be unable to apply for a lease extension for another 12 months. This is why you should think about hiring a professional lease extension lawyer.

The Advantages of Using a Solicitor to Serve a Section 42 Notice

A Section 42 Notice can be served by yourself. Getting assistance from an expert solicitor, on the other hand, has numerous advantages, including:

  1. Experience and Expertise -Serving an incomplete and inaccurate Section 42 Notice is one of the reasons why the Notice can be dismissed in court. Lease extension lawyers have served numerous notices for a variety of clients. As a result, they are familiar with the common flaws and errors that can result in the rejection of a notice. You can be confident that your Section 42 Notice will be served flawlessly if you use a solicitor. Due to the legal participation of a solicitor, the likelihood of the lease extension being granted by the freehold is also high
  2. Notice-Follow Up – Solicitors can assist you in following up on the freeholder’s Counter-Notice. If the freeholder fails to serve a Counter-Notice, solicitors will advise you on the best course of action to take.
  3. Legal Advice The entire process of serving a Section 42 Notice is a statutory procedure. A lease extension solicitor provides you with the legal advice and assistance you need when serving the Tenant’s Notice. They will clearly explain the legal procedure for serving the Notice and will advise you on all of the details that should be included in the Section 42 notice before you can finally serve it to the freehold.

The Section 42 Notice Service Procedure

The following is a step-by-step guide to serving a Section 42 Notice.

  1. Lease Premium Valuation – The calculation of determining how much you will pay a freeholder for the lease extension is known as premium valuation. A Section 42 Notice should include information about your proposed lease extension premium. This premium should be valued by an RICS valuer who is specialised in this field. RICS valuers are experts at estimating the cost of a long-term lease. Your premium should not be too low. A low premium valuation is grounds for the freeholder to reject your Notice.

The following are the reasons why you should hire an RICS valuer:

    • They will advise you on the best premium to include in the Tenant’s Notice.
    • They assist you in determining the possibility of a premium in all circumstances.
    • You will be assisted by the valuer in responding to the freeholder’s Counter-Notice.
    • During negotiations with the freeholder on the payable premium, the valuer deals with all matters, until a resolution is finalised.
  1. Check to See if You Can Afford the Proposed Premium – As compensation for the lease extension and loss of ground rent income, you will be required to pay a premium to the freeholder. As a result, you should assess the premium valuation highlighted by your valuer to determine whether you can afford to make such a payment. Once you’ve determined that you can afford the premium, you can hire a solicitor to assist you in serving your Notice.
  2. Hire a Solicitor – A professional solicitor will assist you with the remaining stages of serving a Section 42 Notice, which includes the following;
    • Obtaining the necessary information to demonstrate identity, address, and financial ability to pay the premium.
    • Obtaining a duplicate of your lease.
    • Checking your eligibility for a lease extension.
    • Obtaining the freeholder’s or landlord’s home address.
    • Obtain the contact information for the freeholder’s lawyer.
  3. Section 42 Notice Drafting – Your lawyer will also deal with the drafting a Section 42 Notice. The draught must include all of the elements required by the Leasehold Reform, Housing, and Urban Development Act of 1993. Once they have finished drafting the Notice, you will be required to sign it in the presence of a signature.
  4. Serving the Notice – The Section 42 Notice is ready to be served to the freeholder’s address once it has been drafted and signed. Your solicitor should handle this via special delivery or courier. This is to ensure that the freeholder has received and signed the Notice. It is critical to note that the cost of delivering the Notice is your responsibility. The landlord may also require you to send proof of your lease extension eligibility.

For more queries related to the length of the remaining lease and how much any lease extension may cost, have a lease extension valuation undertaken by an expert lease extension valuer.

What Happens After You Serve a Section 42 Notice?

The landlord has two months to respond to your request after you have served the Tenant’s Notice at the freeholder’s address and they have acknowledged receipt. The landlord’s response is captured in the Counter-Notice, with the landlord indicating his or her interest in the request. If the freeholder has rejected your Notice without giving any reason, you have the legal right to apply to a court for a Vesting Order.
If your landlord accepts your Tenant’s Notice and all necessary negotiations are completed, your solicitor will complete the new lease and deal with registering the Section 42 Notice with the Land Registry. However, you will be required to pay before this is done, such as the new lease premium, professional fees, ground rent, stamp duty, and other service charges.

Section 42 Notice Time Limits

  • Section 45 Counter Notice Issuance – By law, the freeholder must serve his counternotice within two months of receiving the Tenant’s Notice. Their response should be in the form of a formal document known as a Section 45 Counter-Notice. The freehold should clearly state in this document whether they have accepted the terms of a lease extension or have declined the lease extension request. If they reject the leasehold’s section 42 notice, they must state all valid reasons for the rejection in the counter-notice, as allowed by law.
  • Confirmation of Eligibility – The landlord may request proof of lease extension eligibility. They do, however, only have 21 days to request this confirmation. The leaseholder is then given 21 days to respond to this request.
  • Inspection Notice – The freeholder has the right to inspect the property in question to determine its worth. This procedure, however, requires a 3-day notice and must be done in writing.
  • Rejection of Tenant’s Notice – The freeholder has at least two months, but no more than six months, to provide reasons for rejecting your Section 42 Notice. During this period your surveyor will try and negotiate with the freeholder’s surveyor to reach an amicable agreement on the premium.

Section 42 Notice Fees

The fees for drafting and serving a Section 42 Notice vary depending on the solicitor. Here are some ballpark figures to help you plan your conveyancing budget.

  • Valuation of a Lease Extension by a Qualified Valuer – £500 to £1000
  • Leaseholders Solicitors Fee – £500 to £800 Per Person Online ID Fee – £8
  • Solicitor’s Fee for the Freeholder – £800 to £1500
  • Obtaining a copy of the lease for £3 Registering and copying title plans for each title for £6 Registering the Section 42 Notice at Land Registry for £20

Extra payments may also be required for services such as obtaining a Vesting Order, negotiating the lease extension premium, and completing the lease extension process. All of the cost estimates presented here include taxes.

The Importance of Property Surveys: Understanding Their Purpose and Benefits

We are aware that moving house can be an expensive process. And when the topic of a property survey is brought up, the thought of shelling out yet another expense could be a tough one to take. It feels amazing when your house offer is approved. But after that comes the chore of having the house surveyed. Given that some surveys are longer and more in-depth than others, it can be tempting to choose the one that is least expensive. But that might not be the best course of action for you or the property. Everything there is to know about a property survey is covered in this article. also explains the significance of property surveys.

However, failing to get your house examined by a qualified chartered surveyor could force you to pay thousands of pounds in unforeseen repairs. The examination will reveal building degradation and previously undiscovered flaws.

If you are looking for a lease extension in the UK, contact us for assistance. Our team of chartered surveyors can help you successfully negotiate your lease extensions or enfranchisement. Give us a call for a consultation today

What is a Property Survey?

A professional chartered surveyor will conduct a property survey. It is a thorough examination of a property’s state. They will often inspect the structure and state of the home you are purchasing or selling. The property is then examined by the surveyor. They will also let you know if the house has any issues.

We explain why we require property surveys and , how to obtain them,

  1. Negotiation Power – Prior to exchanging contracts once your offer has been accepted on a property, it is crucial to order a survey. Property surveys ought to be carried out during the purchasing process since the data they provide can be a very effective negotiating tool. They will assist you in learning more about the building’s condition and provide you with a potent negotiating tool if faults are discovered, allowing you to convince the seller to reduce the asking price or to make repairs.

    Say you are willing to spend a little more than you had planned because you think the house doesn’t require any more maintenance or repairs. A survey will either support or refute this. You should be able to argue for at least some of the building repairs to be deducted from the property’s appraised worth. As an alternative, the seller might consent to make the repairs before your move-in in exchange for full payment. Additionally, in some situations, the asking price may already include these problems and repairs. If done quickly and by experts, surveys can also save time on conflicts and altercations.

  2. Mindfulness and Deal-breakers – A survey can reveal structural issues or possible issues that you might have missed. And in the long run, this can enable you to save money. It could either convince you not to purchase the home at all or give you evidence to support any demands for improvements or price reductions before buying. It might cost you a significant amount of extra money and put you in a very difficult position if you pay a premium for a house without a survey, move in, and discover that it has a great number of concerns.

    Property acquisition can be nerve-wracking and risky, especially if the property will serve as your new residence. Even though the survey’s findings aren’t always good, at least you are fully aware of the risks and expenses involved before proceeding. Additionally, you have the option to cancel the sale if necessary if the survey is conducted before the transaction is finalized, which is typically the case.

  3. Existing Improvements – The surveyor will often certify that the structures on your property and any other renovations, upgrades, or repairs made at the time of the survey do not contravene any laws or other restrictions.
  4. Save money in the long term – You will only save money in the long run by identifying flaws and potential structural concerns in the building as soon as possible. Since purchasing a home is typically the single largest investment a person will make, it only makes sense to ensure that your purchase is high-quality and long-lasting.

Who carries out the property survey?

Highly qualified chartered surveyors conduct a property survey to assess the state of your property. An expert in property is a chartered surveyor. They generate a report so you can determine whether it is a wise investment or if there are any issues, such as dampness, structural problems, or anything else, that could provide problems in the future.
Buying the freehold of your property could be very beneficial. However, the process involved in purchasing your freehold is complex and confusing. Leasehold Valuations will guide you and advise you of your best options Feel free to call us at 01753 542984 for a free 10-minute consultation.

Beware the Traps of Leasehold Property Ownership

Over the last several years, there has been an increase in demand for affordable housing in the United Kingdom. As a result, some builders are building residences for purchasers on a reduced budget.

This is clearly excellent news, but it may come at a cost.

Keep an Eye on Things:

It's nothing new to sell a house as a leasehold, and it's not always a negative thing. It all depends on the leasing conditions.

Some property businesses, on the other hand, have sold leaseholds to other property companies. These businesses, according to The Guardian, have offered to sell the homeowners the freehold rights to their house for a premium sum. If the owner refuses, they can keep paying the ground rent, which increases every 10 years.

The lease on a new-build leasehold property is typically 999 years long, with a ground rent of roughly £295 each year.

Our lease extension experts can guide you through with efficiency.

Make sure you Receive Legal Guidance before Extending your Lease:

When a leaseholder is uninformed of their statutory entitlement to an extended lease, they may be forced to accept a terrible bargain from their landlord. The Landlord might give a lease period that is shorter than the statutory term, require the leaseholder to pay a higher ground rent that is often changed, or simply demand a payment that is substantially greater than what is could be if the leaseholder had proper professional advice.

In Fact:

As a result, some homeowners might find themselves between a rock and a hard place. They may either pay the escalating ground rent payments or a higher price for the freehold.
When one buyer acquired a leasehold house, they were informed they could buy the freehold for £2000 to £3000, according to Guardian Money. However, they were informed a few years later that the leasehold had been transferred to a new property business, which then requested £40,000 to purchase the freehold.

In conclusion:

When purchasing a home, read the fine print on all of your contracts with the seller. If you're buying a leasehold property, make sure you understand the contract's provisions and question your lawyer about the lease's long-term cost, the option of purchasing the freehold (and how much it would cost), and if your leasehold might be transferred to a third party.

For further questions related to lease extensions and property, contact one of our experienced chartered surveyors at Leasehold Valuations.

5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid for Successful Leasehold Enfranchisement

According to official UK Government figures, there are over 4 million residential leasehold properties in the UK.

Almost all of them are eligible for the legal right to acquire their Freehold under Collective Enfranchisement rules. Many apartment owners are becoming aware of the various benefits of owning their freehold rather than a lease. So, why do so many Collective Enfranchisement initiatives fail to get off the ground or collapse when they do?

Our lease extension experts can guide you through with efficiency.

Here are the top five mistakes we notice the most and how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Failing to recognize the advantages of owning a freehold.

  • “We already have long leases in place.”
  • “We have managerial authority.”
  • “Our flats will be worthless if we control the freehold.”

In various respects, freehold ownership differs from leasehold ownership, and each transaction is unique. Apart from acquiring a 999 (perpetual) lease and eliminating ever-increasing ground rent expenses, being master of your destiny has other direct and indirect advantages. When you are not restricted by a freeholder, you may manage small and significant improvements on your timetable, improve the building as you see fit, and save money on everything from contractors to insurance. The time you save by not engaging with and occasionally arguing with a Freeholder will be better spent on your own life. Leaseholders who own a portion of the freehold benefit from increased resale and rental prices. In a nutshell, leaseholders who have grouped together get along nicely. It’s what many people refer to as a “no-brainer.”

Mistake #2: Overestimation of the obstacles

  • “We will never be able to recruit the needed 50%.”
  • “It will be too expensive and take too long.”

All collective enfranchisement demands, large and small, face comparable early hurdles, but erroneous assumptions are by far the most serious. Instead of presuming that the 50% qualifying tenant criteria will not be met, recognize that they will be appreciative of the chance and actively recruit leaseholders with the objective of achieving as near to 100% as feasible. Rather than presuming that the expense would be too high or that it will take too long, go through a process of calculating both before determining whether or not to proceed at each level. Take the proper moves at the appropriate moment, and you’ll avoid problems you weren’t even aware of.

Mistake #3: Underestimating the expense or the amount of organization necessary

  • “It’s similar to extending my lease; there’s not much to do.”
  • “Our lawyer will organize everything.”
  • “We have a cost estimate from our counsel, and we will stick to our budget.”

Oversimplification of the procedure is another important reason why many collective enfranchisement requests stall or fail. There are some parallels between extending your lease and acquiring a portion of freehold. Both are legal rights with legislative procedures. The parallels, however, end there since Collective Enfranchisement has other elements to examine. You are only as powerful as the weakest connection when dealing with several signatories. You are acquiring a full facility, including land and airspace, as well as potential development sites. There are several costs you should be aware of right away (such as the Freeholder’s fair professional fees, SDLT, and company creation, maintenance, and accounting) that no one informs you about. Solicitors will oversee the legal procedure but not the project. Organizing your group correctly will result in great success; neglecting to manage the project from the start will raise expenses and hazards.

Mistake #4: Avoiding a Participation Agreement

  • “A Participation Agreement is great to have, but we can save time and money without one.”

A Participation Agreement is a legal instrument that establishes the framework for leaseholders to collaborate in order to achieve specific aims. Good quality PAs need skilled writing and signature by each individual or firm who is a leaseholder for each apartment. As a result, it is true that omitting this step can save some money and time. However, if and when any of your participants disagree, the expense of addressing and resolving the issues will usually far surpass the cost of the Participation Agreement. Preparing for arguments is the greatest way to avoid them. A Participation Agreement is a very useful instrument.

Mistake #5: Using the cheapest solicitor or surveyor

  • “Expensive solicitors and surveyors will just demand a high hourly rate.”

When it comes to training experts, obtaining the perfect match for your facility is critical. A freehold purchase is a substantial investment, and with higher benefits come more dangers. On a per-hour basis, hiring a highly specialized and skilled solicitor and surveyor may be more expensive. However, if their knowledge and skill prevent even small hiccups, they will have shown their worth many times over. Going a little cheaper might frequently turn out to be far too pricey in the long run. Find the best fit.

For further questions related to lease extensions and property, contact one of our experienced chartered surveyors at Leasehold Valuations.

The Ultimate Guide to Issuing a Section 20 Notice: Everything You Need to Know

When landlords or freehold owners desire to carry out qualifying works on their freehold property, legislation must be adhered to ensure that the work is done legally and with the proper notification to the leaseholders.

The piece of legislation is known as a Section 20 notice, but it might be difficult to know where to begin for individuals who have never issued legislation or collected financial payments from leaseholders before.

For further questions related to Lease extensions and property, contact one of our experienced chartered surveyors at Leasehold Valuations.

What is a Section 20 Notice?

A Section 20 Notice is a document that must be issued to all leaseholders within a building when qualifying works are performed on a residential freehold property. Works may involve things like block structure maintenance or other major works, such as roofing repairs.

However, for Section 20 Notices to be served on a leaseholder, they must contribute more than £250. As a result, this type of maintenance or repair work is designated as “major works” and must follow the Section 20 Consultation procedure.

The Landlord and Tenant Act of 1985 (as amended by the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act of 2002) requires a formal Section 20 Consultation. The procedure is divided into three stages, each with its own unique Section 20 Notice to leaseholders:

  • The pre-tender stage is where contractors are invited to bid on the project (i.e to give an estimated cost)
  • The Tender stage is when the landlord, RTM (Right to Manage) group, or Freehold Company receives the tenders (or estimates).
  • The contract for the works is awarded to the successful tenderer at the award of contract stage.

The Section 20 Consultation procedure’s goal is to provide leaseholders the ability to choose how their funds are used. To some extent, it does – if the landlord chooses a quote that is not the cheapest, they must justify their decision. However, for financial advantage, the procedure might be biased in favour of the landlord.

What should a Section 20 Notice contain?

A Section 20 notice must be served on each leaseholder as well as the RTA (Registered Tenants Association) if one exists at the freehold building. Because there are three distinct stages, Section 20 notices must alter to reflect the evolution of the procedure at each level.

The Section 20 Notice should include the following information during the pre-tender stage:

  • A general description of the intended works to be performed or identify an acceptable time and location where the works can be examined.
  • Justifications for why the work must be completed
  • A statement that emphasizes the overall amount of expected expenditure that the works are likely to entail.
  • A request for leaseholders to submit written comments on either the proposed works or the estimated expenditure.
  • Information describing where written leaseholder observations can be sent and when they must be filed.
  • Give a specific date when the consultation period for the proposed works will expire (this should be around 30 days after issuing the Notice)
  • Copies of the papers mentioned in the notice

During the tender stage, the Section 20 notice must include all of the foregoing, as well as the following:

  • The chosen contractor’s name and address
  • An explanation (if applicable) of the contractor’s relationship with the freeholder
  • A final anticipated cost, as well as any other relevant cost information, should be included if possible.
  • Details of any mechanisms (if any) for changing the terms of the agreement
  • An explanation of how long the agreement will last. A summary of any comments received about the initial notice of intent and the response to those comments

In the final stage, a proposal notice is sent, which must include:

  • Copies of at least two proposals, or a time and location where the proposals can be viewed
  • Invitations to submit written opinions on the proposals
  • A provided address to which written comments should be sent
  • A definite date for the end of the consultation session, as well as a reminder that responses must be received before this 30-day deadline.

Does Section 20 apply to shares of freehold owners?

Section 20 makes no distinction between landlords, freeholders, Right to Manage Companies, Resident’s Management Companies, or any other management firm with freehold duty. According to the law, all of the aforementioned are referred to as “landlords.”
If you own the freehold of a property and wish to work on, maintain, or improve it, you must follow Section 20 legislation. This implies that if you request more than £250 in funding for the works from any of your leaseholders, or if the works are expected to cost more than £100 per year, you must also follow strict Section 20 requirements.
You will be limited to a total of £250 for one-time projects or £100 per year for long-term maintenance if you do not follow Section 20 procedure in its entirety, including its time frame. This is true even if the leaseholders requested the work.
A professional managing agent will be able to manage a Section 20 process for you.

What is the Section 20 procedure for landlords?

1. Issue a Notice of Intention to Carry Out Works – The first step in starting Section 20 proceedings is to submit a Notice of Intention to Carry Out Works, which details your proposed works or maintenance contracts and why they are required. Whether or not the leaseholders propose the work, this notice must be provided.

Leaseholders have 30 days after receiving the Notice of Intention to Carry Out Works to provide comments or recommendations. Leaseholders may also nominate contractors for the job, which must all be taken into account throughout the tender process.

You can only decline to consider a leaseholder's choice for a contractor if the contractor is unqualified or unsuitable for the job, such as if they lack liability insurance.

2. Provide a Statement of Estimates – If a contract for the work has been agreed upon, you must present leaseholders with a Statement of Estimates, which is an estimate of the cost and duration of the planned works.

Estimates are gathered through a tender process that includes at least two contractors: one chosen by you (the landlord) and another chosen by one or more leaseholders.

Your leaseholders have 30 days after the tendering process to respond to the estimates and a legal right to see any bids offered by preferred contractors that you did not include in your Statement of Estimates.

3. Start the work by issuing a Notice of Reasons – Step three can go one of two ways, depending on who you choose to complete the work. You may accept and proceed with the project if you choose the contractor who submitted the lowest quote or one recommended by your leaseholders. At this time, the Section 20 procedure will be finished, allowing you to receive the money from your leaseholders.

However, if you did not choose the contractor with the lowest bid or one chosen by the lessees, you must provide leaseholders with a Notice of Reasons explaining your choice within 21 days of signing the contract.

If the leaseholders do not object to your reasoning, the Section 20 procedure will be completed. If the leaseholders object, they can submit an objection with the First-tier Tribunal, where they can dispute their duty for payment as well as the reasonableness of the service costs.

Leasehold Valuation specializes in leasehold valuations, lease extensions, and enfranchisement. Have a quick 10-minute free consultation with one of our RICS experts.

Taking Action When Your Landlord Decides to Sell the Freehold: A Guide for Tenants

You recently got a letter in the mail from your landlord stating that he is serving a Section 5 Notice and plans to sell the freehold of your building, making you an offer. You know deep down that you should investigate your choices, but where do you begin, and what exactly is section 5?

Don’t worry: we’ve got the answers and next steps you need.

For more queries related to the length of the remaining lease and how much any lease extension may cost, have a lease extension valuation valuation undertaken by an expert lease extension valuer.

What is a section 5 notice?

A Section 5 Notice is issued to eligible tenants (also known as building or property leaseholders) informing them that the landlord intends to sell the property’s freehold.

The Landlord and Tenant Act of 1987 imposes a legal requirement known as the Right of First Refusal, which requires landlords to deliver the notice to leaseholders before selling the freehold interest on the market. Failure to comply is a criminal offense.

Section 5 notices (5a, 5b, 5c, 5d) are used in a variety of situations, including when the freeholder wants to sell the freehold at an auction. However, the procedure is similar for both.

Leaseholders presented with a section 5 notice must first determine how long they have to accept, but leaseholders should be allowed at least two months to make a decision. If they are satisfied with both the price and the terms of the acquisition, they must go via a formal procedure, beginning with serving an acceptance notice on the freeholder, which must be provided by a majority of the eligible tenants.

What does a right of first refusal mean for tenants?

The first step is to recognize that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The Freeholder is selling their estate either to an unknown buyer, such as a developer or at an auction.

According to UK law, as a leaseholder, you have the right of first refusal and can purchase your freehold if you so desire.


It is not easy to exercise your right. You must do the following:

  • Determine who will lead the process.
  • Collaborate with at least 50% of the apartment owners in your building.
  • Determine the financial viability of purchasing the freehold at the offered price.
  • Determine the finance arrangement.
  • Nominate or form a purchaser (typically a limited company) before accepting the offer in the proper legal form.

And you only have two months or fewer to complete all of this.

You must then collect the funds and complete the transaction.

Does that seem intimidating? Don’t give up!

Unlike a Collective Enfranchisement claim, you do not need to bargain over the price with this take-it-or-leave-it offer.

It is critical to be well-organized and cohesive.

Specific aspects of the procedure can be assisted by experts.

  • Engage a trained surveyor to evaluate the freehold’s market worth. If the offer price is less than market value, you can focus your efforts on convincing leaseholders to accept it.
  • There are numerous excellent solicitors available to handle the necessary legal and conveyancing procedures. Look for someone with suitable experience.

Alternatively, you can hire an expert to mentor you and manage the entire process from start to finish, generally at a reduced cost.

Profit from the advantages that come with owning a freehold, such as:. Modernize your leases, optimize building management, and prioritize those works, repairs, and improvements. All of this will add genuine value to your flats and free up your time to focus on what matters most – your life.

Leasehold Valuation specializes in leasehold valuations, lease extensions, enfranchisement. Have a quick 10-minute free consultation with one of our RICS experts.

Unveiling Three Hidden Problems With Share Of Freehold: What Homeowners Should Know

A flat or apartment leaseholder can also own a share of the freehold of their entire building, in addition to a lease on their individual flat. This is referred to as a share of freehold.

Because buying the freehold of a flat is not possible on an individual basis, flat or apartment leaseholders instead have the option to own a share of the building’s freehold by joining the collective group that wants to take over the freehold of the property. This process is known as collective enfranchisement. A collective enfranchisement occurs when a group of leaseholders band together to take control of the freehold of their building.

If you are looking for a lease extension in the UK, contact us for assistance. Our team of chartered surveyors can help you successfully negotiate your lease extensions or enfranchisement. Give us a call for a consultation today

A new leaseholder who buys a unit with a share of freehold becomes a shareholder in
the company that owns the freehold of the building. They control the freehold and the
management of the building. The apartments and flats in the building are still leaseholds, but as
members of the freehold company, they have a vote in how the building is
managed, can instruct contractors, can prioritize work, and manage
their service charges. Their leases are typically extended for
999 years.

What are the Responsibilities of a Freehold Shareholder?

The collective freehold shareholders, or freehold owners, are responsible for the
building and its land’s maintenance. This involves obligations such as ensuring that lifts, stairways, and halls comply with health and safety laws, instructing on repairs, and staying up to date on ever-changing property legislation. They have control over the money, what work is done, and how it is prioritized. Many buildings (or collectives) hire a managing agent to handle this for them.

What is a Managing Agent?

A managing agent's tasks include tendering contracts for work to be done, collecting service charges, coordinating payments for any work done on the building, and developing budgets for anticipated building work.

What are the Benefits of Buying a Freehold?

You may be considering forming a collective with the other leaseholders in your block. Though it may appear to be a daunting process, it is not, and there are numerous advantages to purchasing your freehold outright, including:

● Increasing the value of your home
● Complete control over the building’s maintenance.
● Taking complete control of the management
● The ability to obtain more extensive or affordable insurance policies
● Though a freehold purchase will provide some or all of these benefits, owning a part of a freehold has some drawbacks.

Key Problems with Buying a Share of Freehold

1) Shared Management – Purchasing a freehold share is not the same as purchasing a freehold dwelling. When you buy a freehold residence, you have ultimate authority over everything that happens to your property. You get to make all decisions about what gets done and what doesn't. When you just own a portion of a freehold, decisions are taken jointly with the other freehold owners.

This means that your co-owners (shareholders) may be able to make decisions that impact your property. However, if you did not own a share of the freehold, you would be in a worse position because you would have little/no say in these decisions.

This small issues with owning a freehold share, but they are not insurmountable. Whilst all freehold shareholders may not agree on everything, at least they all have a say. Because of the complexities of this and other issues, we recommend seeking professional advice before purchasing a freehold.

2) Lack of Expertise – It is critical that all freeholders have a good awareness of Landlord and Tenant rules, or have selected a representative who does, to guarantee the building maintenance and upkeep responsibilities, as well as health and safety legislation, are met. A lack of knowledge in these areas may result in building deterioration, as well as disgruntled or vulnerable individuals living in potentially hazardous surroundings. Failure to comply with legislation may also result in criminal prosecution, as well as penalties or even jail, which is why we always recommend that you obtain professional advice before purchasing a share of the freehold.

3) Cost of purchasing the freehold – It can sometimes be very expensive to purchase the freehold. This is because the freehold will include any flats which are owned by the current freeholder, porter flats (or other staff flats), storage cupboards, land, car park etc. Therefore, the cost can quite easily become prohibitive.

Buying the freehold of your property could be very beneficial. However, the process involved in purchasing your freehold is complex and confusing. Leasehold Valuations will guide you and advise you of your best options Feel free to call us at 01753 542984 for a free 10-minute consultation.

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