
Will the Government Abolish Leasehold?

In the intricate realm of property ownership, the debate surrounding the potential abolition of leasehold arrangements has garnered significant attention. The subject of whether the government will ultimately abolish leaseholds has ignited discussions among homeowners, industry experts, and policymakers alike. In this blog post, we will delve into the complexities of this issue, exploring the arguments for and against the abolition of leasehold and its potential implications.

Understanding Leasehold: The Current Landscape

Leasehold, as it stands today, involves owning the rights to a property for a fixed period while the land underneath remains under the ownership of a landlord. This arrangement has often been criticized for various reasons, including escalating ground rents, onerous lease extension processes, and a lack of control for leaseholders over their own properties.

Arguments for Abolition

Equitable Ownership: Advocates of abolishing leasehold argue that homeownership should be straightforward, granting individuals full ownership rights without time limitations or external obligations.

End to Exploitative Practices: The abolition of leaseholds could address concerns about exploitative practices by landlords, such as unreasonable ground rent increases and hidden fees, fostering a fairer environment for property owners.

Simplified Transactions: The elimination of leaseholds could simplify property transactions, potentially leading to quicker and more transparent buying and selling processes.

Arguments Against Abolition

Complex Transition: Critics highlight the complexity of transitioning from leasehold to alternative ownership models. The logistics of converting existing leasehold properties to freehold or other arrangements could be daunting and resource-intensive.

Impact on Property Values: Some experts suggest that abolishing leasehold might impact property values and market dynamics, as the traditional appeal of leasehold properties could change.

Loss of Investment Opportunities: For developers and investors, leasehold properties have provided opportunities for generating income through ground rents and lease extensions. Abolishing leaseholds could limit these investment avenues.

The Government’s Stance

The government’s approach to this issue has been multifaceted. The Leasehold Reform Act 2023 represents a significant step in reforming leasehold practices, aiming to make the system fairer and more transparent. However, complete abolition remains a topic of speculation and ongoing debate.

Conclusion: Balancing Progress and Tradition

The question of whether the government will abolish leaseholds is laden with implications for property owners, the real estate industry, and the housing market as a whole. While the complete abolition of leasehold might offer certain benefits, it also presents challenges that require careful consideration. Striking a balance between modernizing property ownership practices and respecting the existing traditions of leaseholding is key to creating a housing system that is equitable, efficient, and sustainable. As discussions continue, only time will reveal the direction in which the government chooses to steer the future of property ownership in the UK.

Understanding Leasehold Reform Act Update – 2023

The landscape of property ownership in the UK has been undergoing a significant transformation in recent years, largely attributed to the Leasehold Reform Act 2023. Initiated in response to growing concerns about the sale of newly built houses under leasehold agreements, this act aims to rectify issues and redefine the rights and responsibilities of both leaseholders and freeholders. This blog post will delve into the journey of leasehold reform, its key components, and the anticipated impact on the property market.

The Path to Reform

The seeds of change were sown on 21 December 2017, when the government acknowledged the problem of new houses being sold as leasehold instead of freehold. This marked the beginning of a comprehensive plan to address these concerns and regulate ground rents in lease agreements. The ambitious goal was to make property acquisition more accessible, efficient, and equitable.

A Dual-Layered Approach

The journey of leasehold reform took shape as a two-part legislative process. The first milestone was the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022, which was enacted on 30 June 2022. This act heralded the promise of zero ground rents for future lease agreements, a commitment fulfilled in alignment with the evolving needs of homeowners. However, it’s important to note that its provisions exclusively apply to new lease agreements, with retirement properties gradually coming under its scope from April 1, 2023.

A Glimpse into the Future

On 20 February 2023, a significant statement by Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities, indicated the impending transformation of the leasehold system. Acknowledging the plight of leaseholders at the mercy of freeholders, Gove expressed the government’s intention to end this archaic tenure structure, thus ensuring property owners can fully relish their ownership rights.

A Step Towards Comprehensive Reform

During a leasehold reform debate on 23 May 2023, Housing Minister Rachel Maclean offered insights into the imminent legislative changes. She affirmed the government’s commitment to reshape enfranchisement valuation methods, abolish marriage value, and cap ground rent treatment at a mere 0.1% of freehold value. The introduction of an online calculator to streamline enfranchisement processes promises to simplify and standardize valuation calculations. Importantly, leaseholders can look forward to greater autonomy by extending their lease agreements without ground rent constraints for up to 990 years.

A Multifaceted Approach

The reform journey doesn’t stop there. In January 2022, the government opened a consultation on extending right-to-manage and enfranchisement rights in mixed-use buildings. This engagement aimed to gather insights from stakeholders and the public, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity in the legislative process.

A Glimmer of Hope for Commonhold

The launch of the Commonhold Council in May 2021 showcased the government’s proactive approach to shaping the future of property ownership. Comprising leasehold groups and industry experts, this advisory panel was established to guide the government on the potential of commonhold homeownership—a testament to the continuous evolution of property law and ownership dynamics.


The journey of leasehold reform has been marked by milestones that reflect a dedication to a more equitable and efficient property ownership system. 


with its multi-pronged approach to valuations, ground rents, and extension rights, holds promise for a brighter future for both leaseholders and freeholders. As the real estate landscape continues to evolve, these reforms signify a commitment to adapting to the changing needs and aspirations of property owners in the UK.

The Future of Lease Extensions and Marriage Value: Predictions and Trends

Lease extensions and the concept of Marriage Value have been significant topics in the real estate landscape, particularly in leasehold property markets. As we look to the future, various factors and trends are likely to shape the dynamics of lease extensions and how Marriage Value is perceived and negotiated. In this detailed blog, we will explore the predictions and trends that may influence the future of lease extensions and the handling of Marriage Value.

  1. Increasing Demand for Lease Extensions:
  2. As leasehold properties continue to be an essential part of the housing market, the demand for lease extensions is expected to grow. Many leaseholders recognize the value of extending their leases early to avoid a significant increase in costs when the lease term drops below 80 years, triggering Marriage Value calculations. This increasing demand is likely to create a more competitive landscape for lease extensions.

  3. Emphasis on Transparency and Fairness:
  4. Transparency and fairness in lease extension negotiations are becoming paramount. Leaseholders are seeking clarity in the valuation process, including Marriage Value calculations. As a result, there may be a greater focus on standardized valuation methods and transparent communication between freeholders and leaseholders. Industry organizations and regulatory bodies are also likely to promote fairness in the negotiation process.

  5. Advancements in Technology and Data Analytics:
  6. Advancements in technology and data analytics are poised to revolutionize the lease extension process. AI-powered algorithms and data-driven insights can streamline valuations, making them more accurate and efficient. This technological leap can lead to faster negotiations and increased confidence in the valuation outcomes.

  7. Rise of Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) Methods:
  8. Lease extension negotiations have historically involved legal disputes and contentious discussions over Marriage Value. However, the future is likely to witness a rise in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods, such as mediation and arbitration. These approaches aim to find mutually beneficial solutions and reduce the time and costs associated with legal battles.

  9. Growing Awareness of Leasehold Rights:
  10. Leasehold reform efforts and advocacy groups are gaining momentum, leading to increased awareness of leasehold rights among homeowners. With more leaseholders understanding their rights and options, there is a likelihood of improved outcomes in lease extension negotiations. Leasehold property owners may be better equipped to negotiate fair terms, including the handling of Marriage Value.

  11. Environmental and Sustainability Considerations:
  12. The future of lease extensions may see a greater emphasis on environmental and sustainability considerations. As environmental consciousness grows, leaseholders may seek opportunities to incorporate eco-friendly features and energy-efficient upgrades into lease extension agreements. This could impact the valuation process and potential incentives offered during negotiations.

  13. Legal and Regulatory Changes:
  14. The legal and regulatory landscape surrounding lease extensions and Marriage Value is subject to change. Government initiatives and legislative reforms may aim to standardize valuation practices and address complexities related to Marriage Value calculations. Staying informed about evolving laws and regulations will be crucial for both freeholders and leaseholders.

Also read :

Marriage Value vs. Marriage Tax: Debunking Confusion in Lease Extension Talks

The Dos and Don’ts of Negotiating Marriage Value in Lease Extensions


The future of lease extensions and the handling of Marriage Value presents exciting opportunities and challenges. As demand grows, advancements in technology and data analytics will play a significant role in shaping the negotiation process. Emphasis on transparency, fairness, and environmental considerations will enhance leaseholders’ experiences and ensure equitable outcomes. With an increasing awareness of leasehold rights and alternative dispute resolution methods, lease extension negotiations are likely to become more collaborative and efficient.

As we look ahead, it’s essential for leaseholders and freeholders to stay informed about emerging trends and changes in the leasehold property market. Engaging the services of qualified surveyors and professionals experienced in lease extensions and Marriage Value will remain crucial to navigating this evolving landscape and achieving successful lease extension agreements that align with both parties’ interests.

Freehold vs. Leasehold

When purchasing a property, you will come across two main types of ownership: freehold and leasehold. Understanding the fundamental differences between these forms of homeownership is essential to making an informed decision that aligns with your needs and budget. In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of freehold and leasehold ownership, examining the advantages and disadvantages of each. By the end, you will be equipped with the knowledge to confidently choose the right property ownership type for you.

Calculate Initial Leasehold Extention Cost with Our FREE Online LEASEHOLD EXTENSION CALCULATOR

Freehold Ownership

What is Freehold?

Freehold ownership means you own the property and the land on which it stands indefinitely. As the freeholder, you have full control over your property, responsible for its maintenance and repairs without any third-party interference.

Advantages of Freehold Ownership:

a. Absolute Ownership: 

You hold the title absolute, granting complete ownership and control over the property

b. No Annual Charges:

Unlike leasehold, there are no ground rents, service charges, or annual fees to be paid to a freeholder.

c. Freedom in Decision-Making:

You have the authority to make changes or improvements to the property without seeking permission.

d. Long-term Security:

Freehold ownership ensures long-term security, as there is no lease expiration or need to extend.

Disadvantages of Freehold Ownership:

a. Maintenance Responsibility:

As the freeholder, you are solely responsible for all maintenance and repair costs.

b. Higher Upfront Cost:

Freehold properties generally have a higher upfront cost compared to leasehold properties.

Leasehold Ownership

What is Leasehold?

Leasehold ownership entails owning the property for a specified number of years, months, or centuries, but not the land it stands on. You enter into an agreement with the freeholder, known as the lease, to use the property for the lease duration.

Advantages of Leasehold Ownership:

a. Lower Initial Cost:

Leasehold properties are often more affordable upfront, making them accessible to a wider range of buyers.

b. Shared Maintenance:

The freeholder is typically responsible for maintaining common areas, reducing the burden on the leaseholder.

c. Affordable Locations:

Leasehold properties might allow you to buy in sought-after locations at a lower price than freehold properties.

Disadvantages of Leasehold Ownership:

a. Limited Control:

As a leaseholder, you must seek permission from the freeholder for significant changes or improvements to the property.

b. Ground Rent and Service Charges:

Leaseholders are obligated to pay ground rent and service charges as stipulated in the lease agreement.

c. Lease Expiration:

Once the lease ends, the property returns to the freeholder unless the lease is extended, affecting property value.

Choosing the Right Ownership for You

Factors to Consider:

a. Budget:

Assess your budget to determine whether a freehold or leasehold property is more feasible.

b. Property Type:

While most houses are freehold, flats and apartments are commonly leasehold.

c. Location:

Leasehold properties may offer opportunities to buy in prime locations at a more affordable price.

d. Long-term Plans:

Consider your long-term plans and how lease expiration might impact your investment.

Obtaining Professional Advice:

a. Consulting Surveyor:

Seek legal advice from Surveyor specializing in property law to review lease agreements and provide guidance.

b. Lease Extension Valuation Experts:

Engage professionals to assess the lease extension cost if you are considering a  leasehold property.

Quick Tip

Consult Leasehold Valuations Experts for  LEASE EXTENSION



Choosing between freehold and leasehold ownership is a critical decision when buying a property. Freehold ownership grants absolute control and long-term security, but it comes with the responsibility of maintenance. On the other hand, leasehold properties might be more affordable upfront, but lease expiration and ground rent can pose challenges. Assess your needs, budget, and long-term plans carefully, and seek professional Leasehold Valuer advice to ensure you make the right choice for your property ownership. With the right knowledge and guidance, you can secure a property that aligns with your lifestyle and financial goals, creating a foundation for a prosperous future.

Marriage Value vs. Marriage Tax: Debunking Confusion in Lease Extension Talks

Lease extensions can be intricate affairs, especially when it comes to the concepts of “Marriage Value” and “Marriage Tax.” These terms often lead to confusion and misconceptions among leasehold property owners. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the differences between Marriage Value and Marriage Tax, debunk common myths, and equip you with the knowledge to navigate lease extension talks confidently.

Understanding Marriage Value:

Marriage Value, as we discussed in a previous blog, refers to the increase in a property’s value that arises when its lease is extended. It represents the additional value created by combining the leasehold interest (short lease) with the freehold interest (extended lease).

Understanding Marriage Tax:

Marriage Tax is not a technical term related to lease extensions. Instead, it is a colloquial term used to describe the premium or additional cost that arises when the lease term drops below 80 years. The cost increases significantly once the lease falls below this threshold due to the introduction of Marriage Value calculations.

Debunking the Confusion:

  1. Myth: Marriage Tax and Marriage Value are the same.
    Reality: Marriage Tax is not a formal term in lease extension processes. It is used informally to describe the impact of Marriage Value when the lease term is less than 80 years.
  2. Myth: Marriage Value only applies to certain properties.
    Reality: Marriage Value is a standard consideration in lease extension negotiations for leasehold properties with less than 80 years remaining on their lease.
  3. Myth: Marriage Value is a penalty imposed by freeholders.
    Reality: Marriage Value is a legitimate factor in lease extension negotiations based on the property’s increased value after the extension.
  4.  Myth: Marriage Value calculations are fixed and non-negotiable.
    Reality: While Marriage Value calculations are based on formulas, there is room for negotiation during the lease extension process.
  5. Myth: The only way to reduce Marriage Value is to extend the lease early.
    Reality: While extending the lease earlier can reduce the impact of Marriage Value, there are other strategies to explore during negotiations.

Navigating Lease Extension Talks:

During lease extension talks, it is essential to have a clear understanding of Marriage values and their implications. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Seek Professional Advice:
    Engage the expertise of a qualified surveyor or valuer experienced in lease extensions and
    Marriage Value calculations. They will provide accurate valuations and guide you through the negotiation process.
  2.  Start Early:
    Consider extending your lease before it drops below 80 years to minimize the impact of Marriage Value and the potential “Marriage Tax” effect.
  3. Negotiate Wisely:
    Collaborate with the freeholder to reach a fair agreement on the lease extension premium, considering both the lease term and ground rent.
  4. Explore Alternative Options:
    In some cases, it may be beneficial to negotiate separate terms for the lease extension premium and ground rent, finding a balance that suits both parties.


Also Read

 The Dos and Don’ts of Negotiating Marriage Value in Lease Extensions

 Calculating Marriage Value: Understanding the Numbers Behind Lease Extensions


Understanding the differences between Marriage Value and Marriage Tax is crucial to navigating lease extension talks successfully. By debunking common myths and seeking professional advice, you can approach negotiations with confidence and secure a lease extension that aligns with your financial goals. Remember that each lease extension case is unique, and seeking tailored advice from experts will help you achieve the best possible outcome in your leasehold property investment.

The Dos and Don’ts of Negotiating Marriage Value in Lease Extensions

Negotiating a lease extension, particularly when it involves the concept of Marriage Value, can be a complex and challenging process for leasehold property owners. Understanding the dos and don’ts of this crucial negotiation can make a significant difference in securing a fair deal. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the essential dos and don’ts of negotiating Marriage Value in lease extensions, empowering you to make informed decisions and achieve the best possible outcome.


  1. Do Seek Professional Advice:

    Engage the services of a qualified leasehold surveyor or valuer experienced in lease extensions and Marriage Value calculations. Their expertise will ensure that the valuation is accurate and in compliance with the relevant regulations. Having a professional on your side will strengthen your position during negotiations. At Leasehold Valuations, our team of experts specialises in lease extensions and can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the negotiation process, giving you a competitive edge.

  2. Do Start Early:

    Begin the lease extension process as soon as possible, especially if your lease has less than 80 years remaining. Extending a lease with a shorter term incurs a higher Marriage Value, potentially adding to the overall cost. Starting early can help mitigate this impact. Our team at Leasehold Valuations can assess your lease and provide an early estimate of the Marriage Value, allowing you to plan ahead and make well-informed decisions.

  3. Do Your Research:

    Understand the current property market trends and comparable property values in your area. This knowledge will provide you with a benchmark for evaluating the Marriage Value calculation proposed by the freeholder. Our experts at Leasehold Valuations have access to comprehensive market data and can assist you in analyzing the current property landscape to strengthen your negotiation position.

  4. Do Consider Multiple Scenarios:

    Assess different lease extension scenarios, such as different lease term lengths or ground rent options. Understanding the implications of various scenarios will enable you to make well-informed decisions that align with your financial goals. Our team can help you explore various possibilities, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of each scenario’s impact on the overall lease extension cost.

  5. Do Negotiate in Good Faith:

    Approach the negotiation process with an open mind and willingness to compromise. Good faith negotiations can lead to a mutually beneficial agreement for both parties involved. At Leasehold Valuations, we advocate for transparent and collaborative negotiations, helping you build constructive dialogue with the freeholder for a successful outcome.


  1. Don’t Attempt to Negotiate Without Expertise:

    Avoid negotiating the Marriage Value without professional guidance. Mistakes in calculations or inadequate understanding of the process can lead to unfavourable outcomes. Our team of lease extension experts at Leasehold Valuations has the knowledge and experience to handle complex calculations and ensure accuracy in the valuation process.

  2. Don’t Rush the Process:

    Lease extensions, particularly those involving Marriage Value, require careful consideration and time. Rushing the negotiation can lead to overlooking essential details or accepting unfavourable terms. Our experts will work with you at your pace, ensuring a thorough and well-prepared negotiation strategy.

  3. Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Marriage Value:

    Be aware that Marriage Value can significantly affect the cost of the lease extension. Fully grasp its implications and consider it a critical factor in your negotiation strategy. Our team will provide you with a clear breakdown of the Marriage Value calculation, empowering you to make informed decisions.

  4. Don’t Forget to Review the Terms:

    Thoroughly review the proposed terms of the lease extension, including ground rent, maintenance obligations, and other clauses. Ensure they align with your long-term plans for the property. Our experts will assist you in carefully reviewing the terms and identifying any potential pitfalls or ambiguities.

  5. Don’t Be Afraid to Seek Legal Advice:

    If you encounter complex legal issues or disputes during the negotiation, don’t hesitate to seek legal advice. A solicitor experienced in leasehold matters can provide invaluable guidance and protect your interests. We collaborate with reputable solicitors specialising in lease extensions and can connect you with the right legal support if needed.

Negotiating Marriage Value in lease extensions requires careful preparation, professional expertise, and a willingness to collaborate. Following these dos and don’ts, alongside the support of Leasehold Valuations’ experts, will empower you to navigate the negotiation process effectively, securing a lease extension that aligns with your financial objectives and enhances the value of your leasehold property investment. Remember that seeking professional support is crucial to achieving a favourable outcome and making the most of your lease extension opportunity. Let our team at Leasehold Valuations be your partner in this journey, ensuring a smooth and successful negotiation process.

Calculating Marriage Value: Understanding the Numbers Behind Lease Extensions

If you’re a leasehold property owner considering a lease extension, you might have come across the term “Marriage Value.” This critical factor can significantly impact the cost of extending your lease and is essential to understand before entering into negotiations. In this blog, we’ll delve into the details of calculating Marriage Value, equipping you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your property’s future.

What is Marriage Value?

Marriage Value refers to the increase in a property’s value that arises when its lease is extended. It represents the difference between the property’s worth with the current short lease and its higher value once the lease is extended. The concept stems from the notion that combining the leasehold interest (short lease) with the freehold interest (extended lease) creates additional value in the property.

Understanding the Calculation: A Simple Formula

Calculating Marriage Value involves a straightforward formula: Marriage Value = (Property Value with Extended Lease) – (Property Value with Current Lease)

In this equation, the “Property Value with Extended Lease” refers to the hypothetical market value of the property if the lease were extended to, for instance, 999 years. The “Property Value with Current Lease” is the property’s current market value with the remaining lease term.

Example Calculation

Let’s illustrate the calculation with an example:
Suppose you own a leasehold property in Slough with a current market value of £400,000 and 70 years remaining on the lease. You are considering extending the lease to 999 years.

  1. Property Value with Current Lease: £400,000
  2. Property Value with Extended Lease: The surveyor estimates that with a 999-year lease, the property’s value would be £550,000.

Using the formula: Marriage Value = £550,000 – £400,000 = £150,000 In this scenario, the Marriage Value is £150,000.

Factors Influencing Marriage Value

Several factors influence the Marriage Value calculation, making each case unique:

  1. Lease Term Remaining: Generally, the shorter the remaining lease term, the higher the Marriage Value.
  2. Property Value: The market value of the property significantly impacts the Marriage Value. Properties with higher values tend to have higher Marriage Values.
  3. Ground Rent: The ground rent payable to the freeholder during the remaining lease term can affect the Marriage Value.
  4. Capitalization Rate: This rate reflects the yield a freeholder might expect from the ground rent income. A higher capitalization rate leads to a higher Marriage Value.

Professional Valuation: The Key to Accuracy

Calculating Marriage Value is not a DIY endeavour. It requires a qualified surveyor or valuer experienced in leasehold property to determine the most accurate figures. Engaging a professional is crucial, as an incorrect calculation could lead to costly mistakes during negotiations.

Minimizing Marriage Value Impact

While the Marriage Value calculation is subject to various factors, homeowners can take certain steps to minimize its impact:

  1. Start Early: Consider extending your lease while there is still a considerable lease term remaining, as this can reduce the Marriage Value.
  2. Negotiate Wisely: Work with a skilled Leasehold surveyor who can negotiate the best possible terms on your behalf, considering both the lease extension premium and Marriage Value.

Understanding Marriage values is paramount when embarking on a lease extension journey. By grasping the calculation process and the factors influencing it, you can make well-informed decisions that align with your financial goals. Seeking professional advice and support is critical to ensuring a smooth and successful lease extension, making the most of your leasehold property investment.

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